1. Your website status? | |
Is a mobile first ⁄ fast loading website | |
Is a basic website | |
No website yet | |
2. You have a Google My Business page? | |
Yes No | |
3. You have a Bing places for business page? | |
Yes No | |
4. You have a Linkedin business page? | |
Yes No | |
5. You have a Facebook business page? | |
Yes No | |
6. You have posted banner ads on social media platforms? | |
Yes No | |
7. You have posted specials on social media platforms? | |
Yes No | |
8. You are generating reviews on social media platforms? | |
Yes No | |
9. You have posted video on social media platforms? | |
Yes No | |
10. Your currently posted business and contact information? | |
Is accurate and identical on all your web properties | |
You're not sure if it is accurate and identical | |
You know its not accurate and identical | |
11. Your current SEO efforts on all your web entities? | |
You pay close attention to and highly value SEO | |
You do a little SEO here and there | |
No SEO done yet | |
12. Your social media marketing habits and engagement? | |
You regularly post ⁄ update and engage on social media | |
You just post and leave it or you auto post | |
You have little or no engagement | |
13. The online content you create and post? | |
Is 100% original, authentic, concise and relevant | |
Is fairly original, a little wordy with keyword stuffing | |
Its basically hacked and recycled content | |
These are mostly fairly simple and free to fix issues, that if implemented corectly will greatly improve your SEO signature, build your online authority and increase your Google page rank. They exclude any paid marketing methods.
Successful digital marketing really only requires two critical things. The first is high web traffic, which in turn requires your online content to be search engine friendly by providing original and relevant content in answer to search queries. The second is quality backlinks from high ranking authoritative websites which are very helpful in boosting your Google page rank by lending authority to your content. Check out the free online tools, tips and resources for improving your SEO and Google page ranking in this Search Engine Optimization article. A third important factor to work on are good reviews from genuine and established sources.
To build a solid digital marketing base for your business takes time and effort. Lasting value and success requires this investment. Join our entrepreneur network to boost your online presence, connect with other business owners and expand your market reach.
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