Simple time-tested old-fashioned networking and word of mouth still work best.
It's time to get real about social media marketing, unless you pay for expensive targeted ads you get negligible results. Here are the reasons why big platforms are wasting your time and money:
Below are just a few well-earned albeit sarcastic observations when it comes to how we are manipulated and patronized on social media platforms:
We've been had! We've been trained to run scripted routines like robots. We the users (the used) are the product, we get to play with their sophisticated toys for free and they then track, sell, juggle and disperse our information, it's a most convenient relationship. If it wasn't for the time and effort spent on these futile pursuits it would be amusing, it's literally the idiots guide to wasting time doing social media marketing.
These are all for profit shareheld companies, and as we should well know in this day and age that gross exaggeration, faking it until you make it, and all methods of deception and manipulation are readily employed to control and herd us in order to make the sale of our data. We must pay twice to play, first we pay with our time and personal data, and then we must pay again to get real results with targeted advertising.
As the builder of the Entrepreneur Map I've spent more time than I ever wanted to inspecting social media platforms for their usability and value in helping small business owners and entrepreneurs increase their online visibility. The bottom line is that the ROI from the countless hours spent marketing yourself on these platforms is most definitely on the side of the platforms.
What to do then, what alternatives are there? If you still value quantity and vanity metrics over quality and real stats, then there are none. Otherwise, good old-fashioned networking and word of mouth still work best, our simple platform is a compliment to this activity. It's somewhere you can point new and old contacts to view your offerings online. Anything of value takes time and effort, the lie is that you will be successful simply by having fun on social networks, how has that worked out for you thus far. Unless you network, share and interact with real peole in a polite and honest manner, your efforts will yield little reward. Join our simple network and start building real relationships one person at a time.
All feedback is welcome. If you require further information before joining use the contact form on the home page. Let us know how we can better serve your small business.
View our Entrepreneur Articles on our vision to build up local small business.
Regards, Justin Grounds.
Founder & Admin