This article introduces our brand-new platform soapbox. Below are a few points as to why we thought soapbox was timely and needed.
As you are most likely aware, today we live in highly regulated information bubbles where we are fed what is deemed healthy for our consumption. Merely a handful of giant corporations decide what information you are privy to and how effectively you can share your own information with others.
This is obviously a very unhealthy situation for any society and especially for individuals who still value their own points of view. There are also very few options to express your views in mature forums where you feel like you are heard and where you get rational feedback from your posts.
Do we want to live in a future where everyone is a clone because they have all been exposed to the exact same information, environment and influences. soapbox aims to provide everyone with a truly open sharing platform in an ever-restricted online world.
There is something at stake for all of us here, there is an obvious ideological war underway. Those entities that seek to dominate the narratives in society want only one thing - total control. It's not about justice or equity or utopia, it's about power.
If you choose to remain neutral and passive in this idealogical war, then you and your posterity must learn to be content to live in the little bubbles tailor made just for you. The other option is to vote with your time and attention and resources to support those battling the mainstream narratives and providing alternative platforms and services. It's time to speak up for what you believe in.
soapbox is a platform where you can express your opinions, share your views or ask questions without interference.
It's a new platform (July 2020), therefore we need your help to get the freedom of expression train rolling again. We will be adding features as we go along or as requested.
Freedom of expression is being suppressed today. Many news and social media platforms have become narrow and biased in their social and political views and only allow content that fits with their specific agenda.
They are essentially information control matrices where your activity is tracked and micro-managed and your data is sold.
soapbox offers everyone a platform to express themselves on without being monitored and patronized. We don't have "clever" algorithms flagging what are often taken out of context words and terms. We are not your thought police.
We are all unique individuals entitled to our own opinions as long as we express them in an adult and respectful manner. We should be able to hold our views without being stifled, threatened, trolled, siloed, shadow-banned, deplatformed or cancelled in any way.
soapbox is a place where everyone can express themselves and discuss controversial topics in a mature way without resorting to personal attacks and animosity.
It's a useful tool if you want to share a relevant blog or resource, or test a concept or an idea out for its effectiveness. Create one using a pseudonym and then share it and email it to those you want to get feedback from.
It's also a venue for investigative and independent journalists, writers, critics, pundits, bloggers and commentators to inform and discuss.
No sign up is required to post and therefore you can remain anonymous or use an alias if you choose.
Add a banner image or short video to compliment or illustrate your post. Make it easy for us to share your posts by adding your social media page links. Capture useful feedback by allowing comments.
For extra publicity add a more info link like your website URL or a web, article or blog page that is relative to your post.
You can edit, refresh or delete your posts at any time, an email with your post code will be sent to you for these purposes and to also approve comments. You can express your opinion on any topic.
Note: For privacy reasons, we use your approximate geolocation when you post so that visitors in your location can easily find your posts. The star rating widget only sends the rating score to you for reference purposes and is not visible to the public.
soapbox is a brand-new information platform, we will be improving it and adding new features as we go along.
We don't have millions to spend on promoting the platform as the giant media networks enjoy, therefore we need the help of freedom loving individuals everywhere to use and share our platform for the sake of keeping a balance in the online information arena.
If platforms like ours do not survive, soon one will only have a very limited set of information bubbles to choose from, and the ability for individuals to express any alternative view than that of the mainstream will be very challenging, if not impossible.
An improvised platform used by a self-appointed, spontaneous, or informal orator.
Something that provides an outlet for delivering opinions.
Please share soapbox with those who value freedom of expression and keeping the public forum open to all ideas. If you know of useful resources that compliment our ideas, put them in the comments below and we will promote them.
Read our article on how Free Speech Platforms keep the internet open for all.
Regards, Justin Grounds.