We value individual thought and expression, you can post an article about whatever you like, the only criteria is to keep it mature and respectful. We will help promote it if it adheres to this simple tenant. Be heard, your article can cover any genre, topic or subject.
Publish your article and easily share it to social media and capture comments to start conversations. You can either join our network and use the News tool and select your type of article, or use the Admin icon on all our article pages to publish without joining. You can also edit, refresh, deactivate or delete it on the article page.
Be sure to add a description and keywords when you create an article, as they are inserted into article markup to boost SEO and enable Google snippet results. The proper structured data of our articles helps all search engines find your article and display it in relative search results.
Articles can be of any type or format including: Article, Announcement, Blog, Business, Coaching, Commentary, Economy, Editorial, Esoteric, Essay, Fiction, Journalism, Letter, Mentorship, News, Opinion Piece, Politics, Press Release, Proposal, Public Relations, Report, Research, Review, Society, Story, Technology, Testimony, Thesis, Trends and Update. If your type is not listed it can be added.
Many social media and publishing platforms have become very restrictive with regards to free speech due to the level of abuse and incitement of some postings. However, there is now gross overreach in censorship as certain platforms have aligned themselves with specific world views and their attending narratives.
This censorship leads to siloed social groups that only have access to those with similar narrow views and therefor no cross pollination of ideas can take place. No adult conversation can take place because if you express a view that is deemed counter the narrative it is quickly labelled as fake, conspiratorial, illegal or anti-social and banned for being such.
Essentially these platforms have become little thought police states that only tolerate those who abide by their rules, all others are considered dangerous criminals. They have also censored themselves by becoming narrow in outlook and uniform in membership.
Our free publishing platform is open to all world views, points of view, perceptions of reality, value systems and belief systems. The only criteria as stated above is that what is posted needs to be sensible and respectful of others, i.e. make a good representation of yourself and your view or argument. This way we can have open, adult, in-depth conversations with those on opposing sides of an issue. And we have the opportunity to learn from all as the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.
Another reason we want to get this article service going is the difficulty in getting your ideas published on many services that are either cost prohibitive or bogged down with admin demands and algorithms that reject your post for petty and often obscure reasons.
If you blog, podcast or write about entrepreneurship, small business, digital marketing, social media, internet and social trends or any related topics, then join and be listed as one of our small business resources, we will promote your service and boost your publicity.
Please share this page with anyone that you think will appreciate this opportunity, thank you.
Regards, Justin Grounds.
Founder & Admin